I feel left out. Why can’t I write angsty, deep poetry?
Wait a minute, wait a minute. I DO write poetry! Read on!
“Hi! My name is B. Wazzup?!
I like to lay the smackdown
and the earth is round.
Tuxedo Mask thinks he’s Santa Claus!
Shut yo’ jaws!
And Ms. Dreysdale got clawed.
Jethro rocked da house
And Granny cooked a mouse.
Do a little dance
Make a little love
Shake yo booty and cut a rug!
Do you have a pretty easel?
Fetch daddy’s hard plastic eyes.
The monkey on your shoulder has on a tie.”
There. See? I’m a poet, too.
Oh forget it, I’m happy being goofy and shallow.
Oh, and my homework:

went over well again. It was the last day of class… I hope I got an A on it, I need it. I had to draw something to music, and I chose to draw Jeanne to the sounds of the wonderful, incredible California Guitar Trio. They are awesome.